People count. People are important to God. They are important to me. God has blessed First Christian Church with lots of people, more people than ever before.
Our church has been building buildings since May 2006. Phase I took about 8 months longer than it was supposed to, but we moved in last march. When we moved in, Phase II ( Youth Worship Center and Gym) had begun. God has paved the way for this to happen in many different ways. From the use of Bailey Hospital to the selling of 86th street to Rejoice, to God providing the funding for Phase I, and the debt-free building of Phase II, to the growth we have seen in our church since we moved, there is so much to be thankful for.
This afternoon I walked through Phase II. It is coming along quite fast. The construction crews are working hard. What struck me was that we have been so blessed. Each step of the way, we have seen God provide. Soon ( very soon), we will have the additional space we need to continue to grow in our Youth and Children's Ministries. Phase II will also open up other opportunities for the use of Phase I, which is needed.
I am most impressed with our congregation. There is no doubt that the relocation has stressed a lot of people. ( me included). There have been alot of hard moments. There have been doubts, some criticism, amazement at what God has been doing, and some wondering along the way. However, the vast majority of our church has been so accomadating, so flexible and so committed to making this about more than buildings. Our church family is excited about the future like never before.
There will always be people who see the negative. There will always be people who get really weary and struggle with changes, whatever they are. Our job is to hear their concerns, be reassuring, but confident in the way God is leading us. There are times when we do not handle the demands of change very well. We all are human. We all have alot to learn.
The truth is that plowing new ground is hard work. It always is. But our people have been so gracious. For example, We have had a number of funerals in the past 6 weeks. Some have the result of sudden death, some the result of long illnesses. Each one of them have required that we provide a funeral dinner. And each time, a group of members ( sometimes classes, sometimes, groups, sometimes ministries), have brought food in, ice in, dealt with no real kitchen facilities , set up, cleaned up, and through the whole thing never complained one bit. Each time, I have seen people rise to the occasion to care for people who were in need. Always with a cheerful disposition, knowing full well that our facilities were not quite optimal... they just have made do with what they have... because people count.
Phase II will bring some facilities that can help us with meals, fellowship and other needs that we have. All along the way, people have seen what we have, and been flexible to make things happen... because people count.
We have along way to go. Some areas of our leadership and ministries are not as strong as they need to be. But I feel like we are making a strong effort to "help others know, love, serve and share Christ." We do that because people count.
FCC people rock! There is no one I would rather plow new ground with.
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