Today, we led a worship service that is one of my favorites each year. At least once and sometimes twice a year we plan an entire worship service around Communion.
"The Breaking of Bread" ( Acts 20:7) is one of elements of worship that we include in every Sunday worship service. All three of our services participate in this each week, because of our conviction that it was something done by the early church on the first day of the week.
When we do a service like this, We usually divide the 65 or so minutes into sections, do worship along with explanation and teaching. Today, I thought was one of our best. Tim did a great job of building a service that used special music ( Jesus Messiah and My Redeemer Lives ) along with both contemporary songs and hymns. We had a great video to the song "Jesus Paid it all" which was effective and engaging. The Production Team had a table with chalice and loaf of bread, which provided the visual.
Ultimately this was a hour long communion service which gave us the chance to remember that Jesus willingly gave his life for us, and that the blood of Christ provides us with forgiveness, purifies us from sin ( I John 1:7), and unites all believers like nothing else. It is an opportunity to teach about Grace. It is an opportunity for us to "examine ourselves". It is an opportunity to declare that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. It is an opportunity to declare that ONLY Jesus has done this and therefore He is the only way to God ( John 14:6)
It is easy to get on the kick about felt needs, how to's and never take the time to study such foundational truth. So I am glad when we can do these kinds of services. We take communion each week, and every week it is meaningful to me. Some say, "Take it every week and it becomes commonplace and mundane." I don't get that. How could the sacrifice of Jesus be mundane? If it is, that is our problem...a problem with our heart.
It is important to do this as a reminder to those who come to church services all the time. But it is also so important for the newer people who attend to know why we take communion each week ( most of them coming from churches where it is done monthy, quarterly or semi-annually,) and what is really behind this Passover meal that Jesus instituted in the upper room.
It's good stuff....and from my perspective, it is great to work with creative people who can put together a service that engages people on so many different levels.
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