Thursday, January 04, 2007

Morning reflection

“The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” Psalm 19:1

Darkness.....This morning I left the house in darkness. I was was cold. The white frost covered the ground, housetops and cars. There was no wind. 15 minutes into the walk, the eastern sky came into view. The wispy clouds had been illuminated with three shades of pink. It was the beginning of a new day. That view reminded me that there is someone who is in control...complete control. Out in the park, I turned to the western sky and there it was. The large saucer we call the moon. Illuminated with the purest of light, it seemed to invite me to its surface. No spaceship needed, just my imagination. I turned and the wispy pink clouds had turned yellow. Bright yellow. It was warm. It reveals the promise of a new day ahead. It was different kind of light, but beautiful just the same. I continued to walk... soon the wispy yellow clouds seemed to blend with some pink and blues. Then the yellow ball in the eastern sky began to rise. The white light on the full moon began to fade into the northwest horizon.

It occurred to me that this happens every day...without fail. The sun rises and the moon sets. The sun sets and the moon rises. I thought..." It is a new day, a new month, and a new year." It brings the promise of new things to my life. But some things stay the same. The love of a wonderful wife, the care of grown children, the promise of a purpose driven ministry, and especially of a God who let me see just a glimpse of His glory.

It is the best way to start out the day.

Thanks for sharing the coming year with me.

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