Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It's been a hard year for alot of people. I know that some parts of the country have really struggled with economic issues... 18 months ago, Tulsa was declared to be "recession-proof." To quote one of my favorite football analysts, "Not so fast my friend....."

Last night a local trucking company told its 1000 drivers on the road to shut it down. They had run out of money. Tulsa city leaders are trying to figure out how to cut millions out of the budget. They seem to be starting with public saftey. Not sure I get that one... after all, we still have lots of crime, record murder rate, and many fires , along with emergencies right and left.... but I digress....Schools are feeling the pinch. The state of Oklahoma looked good a few months ago. But not so much right now. The recession has caught up with us.

In spite of that, our church continues to be incredibly generous. Giving has been amazing. We will finish well ahead of budget and expenditures for the year. How do I explain that? Well, we have very generous people.

But it is more than just giving money on Sundays. It is an attitude. It is the attitude of generosity that motivates young families to go to John 3:16 and serve food. It is that attitude that challenges small groups to reach out to the hungry , cold, and sick to meet needs. People with jobs are helping people without jobs. Food is being supplied on many fronts. Kindness is expressed to people who are going through hard times. I only hear about a fraction of it, but I know it is happening.

One example....I know of a teenage small group that took thier own money and went and bought some kids gifts for Christmas. What is interesting is that the kids used their own money. As I understand it, they did not ask thier parents for the money. Their leader took them to a local store and they pooled their money and bought the gifts. Those kids learned alot. They learned about how generosity does cost something. They learned how expensive some of the stuff they take for granted really is. From what I have heard , some of them went home and told thier parents, "Thanks for all the things you do for me."

These are 7th graders.... enough said.

Generosity oozes out of our church, and it is not just into an offering plate. It's not just money. It is an attitude.

I do not know what 2010 will hold for us. I am confident that we will have all we need to do what God wants us to do. I do not know how much will be given. But here is one thing I know... we will not lose our generosity. It is part of who we are.

No matter what the economy does, I am so glad to be part of of a church that will always be generous. Way to go...FCC!

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