Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Faith in Christ...Our only hope


Our country suffers grief. The shooting at Virginia Tech grips our nation today. There are questions. Who? Why? How can this happen?

Our media is immediately on top of the authorities. Their questions, in an attempt to fill coverage and time focuses on the decision making of the President and Police.

Maybe it is just me, but the logistics of "locking down" a campus with 9,ooo residents and 14,000 commuters would be impossible. But beyond that, it is incomprehensible to me that in the effort to get the story, this would be the focus.

We live in a evil and fallen world. Not everyone is this evil. Not everyone acts out on what fantasies they harbor. Not everyone snaps. But there are some out there who simply do what their minds and hearts tell them to do, with no check or balance. And in the middle of it all are innocent people who get hurt. 32students and teachers are killed. Countless friends and family members are affected forever.

God designed and created a different kind of world. It was a world where man and God would spend eternity together. However, Satan had his way. And the world changed.

This is the world we live in. It is the world that mankind has lived in since the garden.

When Jesus came, things changed again. The plan to redeem mankind reached its pinnacle when Christ rose from the dead. We (believers) are charged to get the message out again. Things are changing... Jesus will return and He will be in total control. We have a second chance.

Then the mess here on earth will be resolved. Until then, mankind will continue to make terrible and destrctive decisions and innocent people will get hurt.

The answer: faith in Christ. He conquered death once and for all. He is our only hope.

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