Monday, April 02, 2007

1 year ago tomorrow...

One year ago tomorrow ( April 3rd) I had a stroke. Tonight, I will get to watch the NCAA Championship game from my living room, which was what I was planning to do last year. But I ended up at St. Francis and as they say, "the rest is history."

It is has been a very interesting year. I am glad to turn to page on the last year and look forward to a new one. My life has changed in many ways. Physically I am not the same. I have lost about 25% of my pre-stroke weight. I still have some goals to accomplish on this front, but I am on my way. I am in pretty good shape, inspite of the setback of a month ago. Some say this is the "kinder, gentler" Charlie. I guess that could be true.

My heart has changed as well. I feel things as deeply as I ever have. (Which can get me into trouble.) Certainly my faith and trust in God has deepened in some significant ways. I realized that what I preached about "digging your wells deep" was true, and that through the years I had developed a fairly deep well of faith that carried me through. I am back to digging.

I am still tired, but not as tired as I was 6 months ago. Dr. Edwards said, "2-3 years to recover." I didn't believe her when she said that. I do now. It is a journey with lots of ups and downs, curves and straightaways and certainly a few potholes along the way.

I just want to say thank you to so many.

To God, who gives me breath for today and hope for my future.

To Pam, who continues to stand beside me, sometimes reminding me of things I have forgotten, helping me say "no" to the things I need to say "no" to and "yes" to the things I need to say "yes" to. She loves me. That is all I have to say about that! We celebrate 26 years on Thursday. I am glad she hung around for the last one...although there was never any doubt that she would.

To my kids, who have been so supportive of both Pam and I. I know that they have been scared off and on, but they really never let me see it. They all ask lots of questions, watch me like a hawk when they are around and really try to pick up Pam when it seems like to much.

To my parents, who have had the added burdened of a son that didn;t feel so well... They prayed and prayed, as so many did. And it worked.

To First Christian Church. They understand my shortcomings, are patient with me and genuinely concerned. They also ( with God's direction and blessing) advanced the kingdom this last year, just proving none of us are indispensable.

To the Elders of First Christian Church. They have shown me more love and compassion than anyone deserves. They are great men of God.

To the staff of FCC. Many of thier lives changed that day to. They picked alot up and have carried the ball. What a great group to work with.

To a special Pastor friend named Deron, who continues to encourage me from a distance.

To Mike, who has picked up the ball in so many ways at church. He has taken on more than he dreamed, and still encourages and protects me.

To special friends who have picked up some things for me. There are too many to mention by name. God knows who they are.

I could go on and on. ( And I know I will miss people... which is the problem when you start naming people.)

What will the coming year hold for me? I really don't know, but I know that God holds my future in His hands. There could be more changes... probably will be. I know that if I trust God, step out on faith and follow His lead, I could be in no better place.

I am thankful for that!

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