Sunday, April 26, 2009


Changing times... I was thinking about how Facebook provides some immediate feedback on a sermon, paper, article, or just a subject that a person writes about..

It is the day of immediate feedback....Is that always good? Do we get feedback that requires little thought? Do we actually mull over things, let them incubate in our soul, or do we just react? And when we are looking for feedback on Facebook, or in a blog, do we consider what is going on someone's life when they give feedback? It is pretty hard to read facial expression, or hear tone of voice....

By the way, I am growing to like technology...We used SKYPE to talk to Gracie and her parents. That's cool...

Back to the feedback.... what do you think?


Steve said...

Nothing beats being able to look into someone's face and eyes and see how they REALLY feel. Anyone can write LOL after something and try to say they are "just joking" but the eyes don't lie!

Charlie Curran said...

Steve that is true. I "attended" my first web conference tonight...that was wierd because the voice did not match the face...

There seems to be something missing from technology where people sit and watch a video... or TV. There is alot of value in eye to eye contact. That is a heavy part of the "feedback."