Here are some "wierd" things running through my mind. These all give me pause to take moment and give it a second thought.
Steroids....I see why men and women would fill their body with illegal drugs to gain a competitive edge. The money...bottom line it is about the money.
I see why newspapers like the LA Times would say that a certain federal indictment includes the names of Andy Pettite and Roger Clemens. Money... plain and simple.. outside of Barry Bonds, there was one other name out there that would make money. Roger Clemens.
I see why people think it could be true. in '96 his team says he is washed up, on the downside and they refuse to resign him to a huge contract. So he signs with Toronto, and then goes on to win multiple Cy Youngs, another 160 games, pitch for the Yankees ( No way!) and is considered a medical and physiological marvel. Certain Hall of Famer! And then the Mitchell report comes out with Roger Clemens in it.
What I don't get is that the Mitchell report was not a criminal investigation. He had some powers that I would not have, but from my perspective it seems that what Sen. Mitchell did was ask alot of questions, gather information from a couple informants who are marginal at best and then wrote a 400 page plus report, naming names.
The problem? No evidence or proof. No checks in the Mitchell report from Roger Clemens. No cooborating evidence from others. Just hearsay. And with that comes all the doubt, the insinuations and the assumptions that because he was so good at the end of his career, it must been because of needles and pills pushed and popped at just the right time ( give him muscles and to avoid detection)
In the interest of full disclosure, I have been a Red Sox Fan since 1967. That makes me a Roger Clemens fan. I don't really follow or care about baseball except for the Red Sox. ( Which makes 2 out of the last 4 years pretty good). But I have loved the Red Sox. I wear a Red Sox hat every day when I work out. I have a little ten year old boy whose dad works at the place I work out, who comes in and wants to talk Red Sox everyday. I am his best friend, because I know who is hitting the ball, whose not, and what kind of wierd mood Manny Rameriz is in. And I have paid attention to Roger Clemens, no matter where he pitches, even when he is pitching for the Yankees!UGH!
So here is my problem. The mere mention of his name in the Mitchell report has sullied his name forever. If he is guilty of the crime, then he should come out and say so, and let us deal with it. But he has come out and said, "No way,ever.!" Whose to say? I don't know.
But here is what I do know... If someone, anyone, accuses me of immorality, or inappropriate action toward someone else, especially a woman or a child, true or not, I am pretty much done. It would not take proof. It would not take evidence. It would just take the statement, said at the right place and the right time. And it is not just me. Teachers, coaches,Doctors, Dentists, business ownwers and a boat load of other professions face the same kinds of things. It is the reality.
What can I do?( or anyone else). Well, make sure you live a consistent life that reflects the values of Christ in every way. Make sure you do not put yourself in obvious situations that might cause someone to "think" they see something.
And leave it in the hands of God. I don't know if Clemens is doing that or not ( He has been pretty quiet, but his lawyer is making alot of threats about lawsuits). If it happens to you or me, we won't have a 28 million dollar a year contract to fall back on, or high priced lawyers.
But do have God, and those who know us well and know this world well. I will take my chances with him.
It may be that I am being "snowed" by the only baseball player I have really followed closely... but it may be that what he says is the truth.
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" In the days of internet , tabloid journalism, Senate committee hearings and GREED, that statement seems strangely distant from the public eye.
Well, that is the rant of the day.
One other thing on my mind... after two weekens of Ice/Snow and more snow due today.
Here it is....
"Why does God plan snow and ice on Saturdays and Saturday nights?"
Hmmmmmmn...something only a preacher or a teacher would give a second thought to. Guess that is why the do not ask me to "play God" in the play.
Have a great day!
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